terça-feira, 23 de outubro de 2012

Hey, I’ve been looking for you.

It has been a while…

  Today was a day of reconnecting. To assume there is a need for that is to believe one has fallen apart, is distant or is in any mean in need of a talk.
So here I am, assuming that.

Reconnecting, reuniting, re-establishing communication.

  It’s easy to do it with acquaintances, just a few questions, words of affection, and there it is. But, sometimes I think the more you love the person the more extreme it is to reconnect, after all there had to be a reason for the divergence in the first place.
  It’s difficult to take that first step, to be the one that reaches out and says “I’m sorry”, if that is needed. Sometimes it’s overwhelming, be it to say those hard words or just the need to give some distant friend a long update about life when you don’t do it so often. The feeling of caring and wanting and longing for someone is there, but if we don’t put it into words, written or spoken, the feeling will continue to be just that- invisible and internal.
  The truth is, we all yearn for connection, for relationship. Everyday I see hundreds of people around me that are glued to their phones, texting, calling, sharing, liking… Screaming out silently that they need connection, acceptance, conversation, or even just to be acknowledged by another human being.
  I believe we were designed for it - to lead lives that touch and impact another’s. But we must realize that we have that influence, and that it can be a positive or a negative one. We must see that there is no time to waste, that the most important things in our lives are the people we cultivate around us, and that “yes, life is unpredictable”. As cheesy as it sound, tomorrow might just be too late.
  So maybe you can find the courage to take that first step and talk, mend, forgive, update, pay attention to, spend some time with, and just say how much they mean to you. And you can finally comprehend that pride and isolation only lead to a lonely road.

And you, my friend, were created for relationship.

"And the only thing people regret is that they didn’t live boldly enough, that they didn’t invest enough heart, didn’t love enough. Nothing else really counts at all."   
- Ted Hughes

terça-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2012


O anotado contornou a forma bruta de se expressar.
Agitação que não é característica minha.
Como se meu lugar seguro já não fosse o único refúgio.

A folha branca do papel não fala mais comigo em palavras coerentes.
Ela grita, esperneia e respira.
Suas linhas desaparecem; nítido.
E então começo a construir, diferente.

Risco aqui um traço arquejante. Sobrepondo camada do que já existe.
Cores ou ausente, palavras ou presente.
Sim e não - são.
A mente não pode ser explanada sem a imaginação.

O que se pode ver não existe.
Um jogo banal das verdades abstratas.
Sempre procurando se explicar em palpável.
Versos vãos.

A voz que berra, sussurra sobre o tempo. A alma exposta que precisa.
Dançando no papel, procurando penetrar o indefinível.
Em toscos movimentos que delimitam sua consumação.
Sem descanso.

Sim e não - são.
O corpo embebeda-se em decomposição.
Austero e exigente é o fim.
Calado chega e mudo permanece - ofegante.